Beggar's Bowl

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lotus Prayer for Prosperity & Projection Unto Victory


Welcome new, returning and crash n burning R & B Yogis! So much to be said of the lotus flower. From the Buddhist perspective, it is the flower that blooms from the adversity and muck of mud. It also represents the cycle of life, closing it's petals each evening only to reopen them every morning. In Hinduism, and yogic philosophy, the lotus is the symbol for the crown chakra, the Shahasrara, a 1000 petal lotus which represents enlightenment. It is the gateway that connects our body to universal consciousness and the location, from which our soul enters and leaves our body when we are born and eventually die. All of these images of the delicate yet powerful lotus are potent images for us to work with as we meditate and pray on emerging victorious in our lives and our pockets over the next 40 days. Inshallah. 

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Bend the elbows, close to the sides of your body with your hands in front of your heart center in LOTUS MUDRA. Fingers are spread apart with the tips of the pinkies touching. along with the pads of the thumbs and the base of the palms. The other fingers are kept wide apart and are slightly curved to form a lotus. 

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

MANTRA: Listen to the recording of "Reality, Prosperity and Ecstacy" by Nirinjan Kaur. Or you can memorize the words to the prosperity prayer and say them aloud: 

I know thou thee, Wahe Guru Ji give my day Prosperity

Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity, Wahe Guru ji give my day Prosperity

Reality, Prosperity and Ecstacy

Ang Sang Wahe Guru, Ang Sang Wahe Guru

Every cell of mine is filled with love and light, trinity dancing

Every cell of mine is filled with love and light, trinity dancing

Translation of mantra Ang Sang Wahe Guru: 

The dynamic, loving energy of the universe (God) vibrates in every cell of my body. 

TIME: 15 minutes

TO FINISH: Say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
NOTES: Prosperity never hurts. Contact it through the prosperity song; it shall happen. Prosperity means everything - richness in happiness, in our holiness and in our grace. This meditation is to experience richness in all.
To participate, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal. Use friends and family, email: For those not in the circle, use the button at the top of this blog. Or you can send your donation through CashApp: $hangriLuz. Follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

I am very much looking forward to emerging from the muck victorious and prosperous. Meet you in the ethers!

- mama luz