In an effort to keep Kundalini Yoga accessible and culturally relevant to urban communities, Rhythm & Breath has periodic fun-raisers to support our cause. We've explored everything from product launch parties, workshops, to pop up shops. Another such way is our Rhythm & Breath Bead Collective (aka Tribal Chic) in which some of our beads have been generously donated by participants in Rhythm & Breath’s 40 Day Meditations. Every piece is unique, made from different natural materials from around the globe...Africa, Mexico, Brasil and India to name a few. Pieces are constructed with beads made from wood, seeds, metal, resin, horn, bone and semi-precious stones that have healing properties. Our pieces not only make you look fab but they make you radiate electro-magnetically, while grounding and protecting you and every piece has been blessed with a mantra or prayer.
Thank you for your continued support of Rhythm & Breath!
Sat Nam, Namaste, Asalaam Walaikum, Shalom!
Part of the proceeds from sales go to the establishment of the Sacred Movement Institute: our movement arts education project to bring yoga, meditation and other healing movement modalities to under-served communities in the United States and abroad. SO shop guilt and karma free and help support the transmission of sacred esoteric knowledge and healing our communities.
To purchase: the price of each piece is alongside each photo. Please add $2 shipping and handling and can be dropped in the "beggars bowl" at the top of the page. Please send a FB or email message to with your name and address, specifying which pair you are interested in and your one-of-a-kind beauties will be mailed to you.
Thank you for your continued support of Rhythm & Breath!
Sat Nam, Namaste, Asalaam Walaikum, Shalom!
#1 Wire wrapped: Hessonite (creativity), Indian blown glass, Brasilian Glass
$15 SOLD
#2 African Bone on Leather
$10 SOLD
#3 Wire wrapped: African Glass, Evil-Eye Bead Recycled Glass from Ghana, Crystal
$15 SOLD
#4 Wire Wrapped: Wood, African Trade Bead, Aquamarine (protection, optimism)
#5 Wire wrapped: Aquamarine (protection, optimism) African Trade Bead, Metal
#6 Wire wrapped: Wood, Brasilian Seed (new beginnings), Jade (luck, protection, longevity)
#8 Wire wrapped: Black Onyx (strength, confidence), abalone shell (chakra balance), shell (healing properties of water)
$15 SOLD
# 9 Wire wrapped: Green Jasper (healer's stone, heart chakra), ceramic, Mexican seed (new beginnings), Coconut leaf
#10 Wire wrapped: Jade (luck, protection, longevity), Black Onyx (strength, confidence, grounding), Aventurine (prosperity, love)
$15 SOLD
#11 Wire wrapped: Petrified wood, Indian blown glass, Brasilian Glass, Hessonite (creativity), Wood
$15 SOLD
#12 Wire wrapped: Indian recycled glass, Sterling silver, Quartz, Vintage French glass, Brasilian fishbone, Egyptian scarab
$18 SOLD
#13 Wire wrapped: Sterling silver, African Trade Bead, red coral (goal oriented, treats depression)
$18 SOLD
#14 Aquamarine (protection, optimism), African trade bead, African steel on leather chord
#15 Wire wrapped: Lemon Jade (Luck, prosperity), Mexican rosary bead, Bees Wax
#16 Wire wrapped: Carnelian (protection, prosperity), Brasilian Seed (new beginnings), Indian blown glass, Jade (luck, longevity)
$15 SOLD
Coconut and African horn on Rubber Chord
Shell (healing properties of water), wood, African bone, Brasilian fishbone, Indian blown glass
$15 SOLD
Wire wrapped: copper, ceramic, Brasilian seed (new beginnings), Green Jasper (healers stone, heart chakra)
$15 SOLD
Wire wrapped: Hessonite (creativity), petrified wood, Brasilian seed (new beginnings), Aventurine (prosperity, love)
$15 SOLD
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Indian Blown Glass
Wire wrapped: Snake skin (kundalini), and Leather
$15 SOLD
Wire wrapped: Snake Print Leather and Brown Leather
Wire wrapped Necklace and Earrings:
Lemon Jade (wisdom, moderation), African Amber (sun energy, vitality), Bees Wax, Brasilian Seed (new beginnings), Mexican Rosary Beads
$30 SOLD