Beggar's Bowl

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Removing the Fear of the Future


There are many things we could (and should) be fearful of: global climate catastrophe, the escalation of the regional war in the Middle East, multiple genocides in Sudan and Palestine and now Trumpocalypse 2.0. Add these concerns onto our day to day survival needs. Like how am I going to pay rent? How am I going to pay my bills? I hate my job. Capitalism is crushing. You wouldn't be alive, or a human being for the matter, if you weren't overwhelmed and concerned about the future at this crucial moment in the planet's history. They key is to not fall, and stay, in the pit of despair. Fear is actually a healthy and necessary emotion. It alerts us to potential danger. It forces us to look at how we react to adversity: are we freezing or springing into action when we situations that provoke fear? 

Fear is our literal baseline.  A lower chakra emotion that lives at the base of our spine along with our Kundalini energy (creative and sexual energy). Those energies will either be stuck causing imbalances and issues in our physical, emotion and spiritual bodies. Or those energies will be fluid moving freely up and down the spine maintaining our ten bodies. And expanding our psychic and astral bodies. Now seems like a good time to revisit the meditation to "Remove the Fear of the Future." Let's recommit to our spiritual practice so that our energies are flowing so that we are clear and informed in our decision making and quick on our feet for whatever is around the bend. 

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Left hand sits inside the right hand with left thumb crossed on top of the right thumb. Bring both hands to your heart center.  

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

PRANAYAMA: Long deep breathing. 

TIME: 11 minutes

TO FINISH: Say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
To participate in the group, send a heart donation of $15 (or more) dollars thru PayPal. Use friends and family, email: For those not in the circle, use the button at the top of this blog. Or you can send your donation through CashApp: $hangriLuz. Follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

Let's move beyond our fear and collectively create a more equitable, safe and just future for all of us. See you in the ethers!

- mama luz

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lotus Prayer for Prosperity & Projection Unto Victory


Welcome new, returning and crash n burning R & B Yogis! So much to be said of the lotus flower. From the Buddhist perspective, it is the flower that blooms from the adversity and muck of mud. It also represents the cycle of life, closing it's petals each evening only to reopen them every morning. In Hinduism, and yogic philosophy, the lotus is the symbol for the crown chakra, the Shahasrara, a 1000 petal lotus which represents enlightenment. It is the gateway that connects our body to universal consciousness and the location, from which our soul enters and leaves our body when we are born and eventually die. All of these images of the delicate yet powerful lotus are potent images for us to work with as we meditate and pray on emerging victorious in our lives and our pockets over the next 40 days. Inshallah. 

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Bend the elbows, close to the sides of your body with your hands in front of your heart center in LOTUS MUDRA. Fingers are spread apart with the tips of the pinkies touching. along with the pads of the thumbs and the base of the palms. The other fingers are kept wide apart and are slightly curved to form a lotus. 

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

MANTRA: Listen to the recording of "Reality, Prosperity and Ecstacy" by Nirinjan Kaur. Or you can memorize the words to the prosperity prayer and say them aloud: 

I know thou thee, Wahe Guru Ji give my day Prosperity

Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity, Wahe Guru ji give my day Prosperity

Reality, Prosperity and Ecstacy

Ang Sang Wahe Guru, Ang Sang Wahe Guru

Every cell of mine is filled with love and light, trinity dancing

Every cell of mine is filled with love and light, trinity dancing

Translation of mantra Ang Sang Wahe Guru: 

The dynamic, loving energy of the universe (God) vibrates in every cell of my body. 

TIME: 15 minutes

TO FINISH: Say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
NOTES: Prosperity never hurts. Contact it through the prosperity song; it shall happen. Prosperity means everything - richness in happiness, in our holiness and in our grace. This meditation is to experience richness in all.
To participate, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal. Use friends and family, email: For those not in the circle, use the button at the top of this blog. Or you can send your donation through CashApp: $hangriLuz. Follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

I am very much looking forward to emerging from the muck victorious and prosperous. Meet you in the ethers!

- mama luz

Friday, July 19, 2024

Meditation for Clarity (with a Prosperity Bonus) aka Getting Rid of Your Couldn't


Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

The etymology of the word clairvoyance, is from the mid-19th century French, meaning to see clearly. Be-ing clairvoyant doesn't necessarily mean one has the ability to predict or alter the future. Clairvoyance means that your energy channels are fluid: unobstructed on the inside and the outside. You are transmitting and receiving Divinely channeled guidance, very much like an antenna and a radio signal. This meditation strengthens our clarity so that we are not swayed inwardly by our minds nor outwardly by our circumstances. It removes doubt and clears the way for the realization of our desires and positive intentions. 

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Cross the middle fingers over the backs of the index fingers, locking the other two fingers down with the thumbs. Bend the elbows and bring the mudra up to ear level. 

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

MANTRA: Tantric Har. The translation is "God as the Creative Infinity." It affirms our ability to co-create. In combination with the pump of the belly, releases the navel energy to be circulated at the heart.

TIME: 11 minutes

TO FINISH: Say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
NOTES: Sometimes when we intend to do something, our ego gets the best of us and we are unable to see it through. This meditation is a tool to strengthen the clarity and positivity of our will so that the highest good of our intentions is not waylaid by circumstance. It takes away the ‘couldn’t’ and gives us our excellence.
To participate, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal. Use friends and family, email: For those not in the circle, use the button at the top of this blog. Or you can send your donation through CashApp: $hangriLuz. Follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

I am looking forward to getting clear on some life matters and making informed decisions to co-create a better future. Meet you in the ethers! 

- mama luz 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Meditation to Bring Prosperity into Your Life

Art by Zake Yonkou

Welcome all new, returning and crash n burning R & B Yogis! We are back again to "Bring Prosperity into Your Life" with a 3 part kriya that we will do for 40 consecutive days. The entire session takes a little over 15 minutes from start to finish. So give yourself plenty of time in the morning to get it in. And don't be shy about changing positions and stretching your legs in between sections. I still think morning practice is the best because it sets the tone for your day and it also gives little time to create excuses not to do it. Without intending our minds create a million and one excuses to not sit that ass down. But one's practice should be as vital as one's hygiene. So don't be spiritually stank. Make this meditation, MAKE YOU your priority and watch the abundance flow!


TO BEGINSit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRAPlace your right hand palm facing outward like you are taking an oath while your left hand in flat on top of your navel.

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

PRANAYAM: Long deep breathing. 

TIME: 8 minutes.


MUDRA: Only finger tips touching in front of your heart center. Not the palms. 

MANTRA: Whistle Ardas Bhaee:

Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru

Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee

Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru

Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee

Translation: “The prayer has gone out, Guru Amar Das hears the prayer and Guru Ram Das confirms it and is the true guarantee, that it is accepted.”

FOCUS: Eyes remain closed. 

PRANAYAMA: If you can, take one deep breath and whistle the entire mantra on that one breath. If you are not able, you can breathe as you whistle. And if you can not whistle, try to learn. And/or listen to a recording (that doesn't make your ears bleed lol) 

TIME: 4.5 minutes. 

COMMENTS: “That whistle is the most powerful tape ever in the planet man can manifest. That tape is very good. We do not want even to say the words with it, because we don’t want to sell the words. We want people to just whistle. Because that permutation, combination, or rhythm of the breath with that whistling is most powerful. It has a very powerful subliminal effect. It’s personal… You whistle and it will rhythmically force the lungs to throw the toxins all out and you are cleansed. Whistle—it takes away fatigue. When soldiers get tired, they start whistling.”


MUDRA: Extend the arms to the sides, right palm up and the left palm facing down. Like a dervish feel the heavens and the earth 

PRANAYAM: Take a deep breath inhaling and hold the breath for 25 seconds. Then exhale with a cannon-fire breath as you exhale. Repeat 3Xs. The last time, while you are holding your breath, mentally say to yourself in the kindest and sweetest of ways: "It is ME and my purity that will give me health, wealth and happiness." Claim it. Exhale and relax. 

TO FINISH: Resume your normal breathing and let the mantra, mudra and pranayama circulate in your body, mind and spirit. Then say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
NOTES: Prosperity doesn’t necessarily mean that we have wealth, health, and happiness. When a person is prosperous, there is that fragrance of security, grace, depth, character, and truthfulness, which that person can share. Like a rose emits fragrance, or a candle emits light, a prosperous human emits prosperity. 

You can practice this kriya for up to 62 minutes by dividing the time equally among the three parts. If you extend the times, don’t extend them proportionately, practice each part equally. 

Ok yogis there it is! Crash and burning is not even an option for us. We have to fight for this one. Like everything in life. It is what makes us warrior healers. And the world is ever more in need of us. And although everything we need is already here, we have to meet the universe/God/ourselves half way. We have to put the energy into practice: display in mind body and spirit, what we desire...we deserve. 
To participate in our online healing collective, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal (use the beggars bowl above or email: or CashApp: $hangriLuz. And follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

And please, if you choose not to participate but you are reading this post, find it valuable and receive benefits from the contents of this blog, any donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. At the very least, mention me by my name in your prayers and positive thoughts : )

Thank you for taking the time to read and being a part of the Rhythm & Breath healing collective. 

- mama luz 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024



Art by Brittany Blythe-Williams

Welcome back new, returning and crash n burning R & B Yogis! Happy New Year! Another year with more opportunities for us to burn karma and clear the way for our blessings to reach us. These are crucial times for us collectively and individually. We are being asked what are core values are and what we are willing to sacrifice, if anything, to make this planet better. We are also entering an election year and it looks like fascism is officially on the ballot. We need our minds clear and our channels flowing freely so that we can be properly guided and receive the abundance that is ours. So lets start by recommitting to our own deep spiritual practice. And when we reap our harvest, we will share the fruits of our labor with those less fortunate than ourselves with the intention of creating a more equitable world. Lets build it together. One breath at a time.

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Bring the thumbs to touch the mound of the Mercury finger (pinkie) and fold the fingers over the thumb to make tight fists. Bring the forearms parallel to the floor at the Heart Center. Knuckles face each other with a one-inch gap between the hands.

FOCUS: The eye focus is on the tip of the nose.

MANTRA: Chant HAR 4 times out loud, 4 times in a whisper continuously. Make sure the tongue flicks up to the upper palate. The upper palate is connected to the pineal gland. The translation of Har from Gurmuhki to English is God. 

TIME: 11 minutes.

COMMENTS: This meditation contains the ego and allows you to focus on your true identity as a spiritual being with unlimited potential and self-worth. When we put the thumb (ego) at the mound of the Mercury finger, we transform our ego identity through the influence of Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Jupiter. This transformation includes mastering expansion (Jupiter), wisdom and patience (Saturn), endurance (Sun) and communication (Mercury) towards our spiritual identity. We use the mantra HAR to bring new opportunities into our life. By creating mastery at the heart center, we can transform our passion and heart energy into personal and financial success within our spiritual life. Remember—doing meditations creates the opportunity to change our attitudes towards our world. When you do this meditation for at least 120 days, your subconscious can shift into a larger, more expansive attitude about being prosperous (pro-spirit).

TO FINISH: Resume your normal breathing and let the mantra, mudra and pranayama circulate in your body, mind and spirit. Then say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
So there it is yogis! Lets release what remains of previous years and invite new expansive energy and abundance into 2024. This will be a critical year for ourselves and the planet. 

To participate in our online healing collective, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal (use the beggars bowl above or email: or CashApp: $hangriLuz. And follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

And please, if you choose not to participate but you receive benefits from the contents of this blog, any donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. At the very least, mention me by my name in your prayers and positive thoughts : )

Thank you for taking the time to read and being a part of the Rhythm & Breath healing collective. 

- mama luz 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Salaam, peace, R & B Yogis, Beloveds, lovers, believers, seekers and those that question. I, like many of you, am absolutely devastated by the crimes of humanity being committed against the people of occupied P@lestine by the Iz r a hell i government. I've been crying every day since the most recent carnage began. Although, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the Holy Land (that of the three Abrahamic religions) has been going on for 75 years. I am unbelievably sad. And angry. I feel despair. Guilt. Helplessness and basically feel paralyzed. I try to fight my way out of depression as I have for the majority of my life. 

As I was walking the other day, I asked myself why does this "conflict" feel different than any of the other battles I have engaged in. Probably because every battle I have signed up for, whether it was in a Capoeira jogo (game) or spiritual warfare, I had a deep knowing that victory was mine. Also my faith was unshakeable. But when one puts ones efforts whether they are boycotting, divesting and sanctioning Iz ra hell, or showing solidarity through wearing a kufiyeh, or praying for Gaza, or spreading knowledge about the genocide through posting and sharing on social media, it seems like they are futile against the gargantuan imperialist, colonial war machine backed by Amerikkka's deep pockets. 

But then I remembered, my greatest battles in life were won solely on prayer. And I am reminded of the power of Islam every time I witness the grace the Palestinian people exhibit every time tragedy befalls them and they cry out, "Allahamdulilah! All Praise to Allah!" 

There are 99 Beautiful Names of Allah. There are 99 Divine attributes mentioned in the Quran. There is only one God (La Ilhah il Allah) with 99 different essences. When they are invoked, we call upon that attribute and become that essence. It is the same premise as mantra and meditation. Just a different language and religion. 

The one we will "remember" through Dzikr, is AL MUNTAQUIM. Which means The Avenger.  

We will say: YA MUNTAQUIM which means Oh Avenger. 1,000 times. Which takes a little more than a half hour. 

We will gather online through Zoom on the first new moon of 2024, January 11th at 8- 9pm EST. We will have time to share information and ask questions afterwards. 

One of the best pieces of wisdom I have ever received was from my Sheik in Bahia when I was in the depths of despair after my husband was murdered. I was very sad and angry. Very similar to how I am feeling now. He said:

Let Allah fight your battles. 

I did. And I was able to complete the hardest task I have ever had to see through in life. Let's trust Allah's plan for Palestine, the Palestinian diaspora, the Middle East, the world and ourselves. Lets focus on what is within our ability to do rather than focus on the evil that is escalating and will always be here until it is not. Lets continue to boycott, divest and sanction Iz ra Hell. Lets share actions that are taking place in our cities and throughout the world. Lets wear kufiyehs in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Lets discuss over coffee and at our dinner tables what we are doing to make positive change in our lives and the world. Lets spend our blood dollars at business that are on the right side of history. We have more power than we realize. Let's remember and be comforted by that power. That power is Allah. 

- mama luz