Beggar's Bowl

Friday, July 19, 2024

Meditation for Clarity (with a Prosperity Bonus) aka Getting Rid of Your Couldn't


Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

The etymology of the word clairvoyance, is from the mid-19th century French, meaning to see clearly. Be-ing clairvoyant doesn't necessarily mean one has the ability to predict or alter the future. Clairvoyance means that your energy channels are fluid: unobstructed on the inside and the outside. You are transmitting and receiving Divinely channeled guidance, very much like an antenna and a radio signal. This meditation strengthens our clarity so that we are not swayed inwardly by our minds nor outwardly by our circumstances. It removes doubt and clears the way for the realization of our desires and positive intentions. 

TO BEGIN: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh, or neck lock. Keep the spine straight. Rub your hands together. Press your thumbs against your sternum holding your hands in prayer pose. Roll your eyes in and up towards your third-eye by crossing your eyes at the bridge of your nose and then lifting your eyes about an inch and a half. If you are unable to sit in "easy pose," you may sit on a hard chair and cross your feet underneath you. 

On two breaths, chant the opening mantra ONG NA MA GURU DEV NAMO which means I bow to the infinite wisdom within. Do this 3 times. For the proper cadence and pronunciation, listen here. If you like what you hear, you can purchase my mantra music on Bandcamp.

MUDRA: Cross the middle fingers over the backs of the index fingers, locking the other two fingers down with the thumbs. Bend the elbows and bring the mudra up to ear level. 

FOCUS: Eyes are closed. No specified focus. 

MANTRA: Tantric Har. The translation is "God as the Creative Infinity." It affirms our ability to co-create. In combination with the pump of the belly, releases the navel energy to be circulated at the heart.

TIME: 11 minutes

TO FINISH: Say aloud the Warrior Healer's Affirmations.

TO CLOSE: Rub your hands together and bring them to prayer pose, palms touching thumbs pressed against your sternum. Chant Long SAT NAM on one breath. Repeat this for a total of three times. Bring your hands to your forehead and bow. This seals the work in your frontal lobe. Your center for decision making. 
NOTES: Sometimes when we intend to do something, our ego gets the best of us and we are unable to see it through. This meditation is a tool to strengthen the clarity and positivity of our will so that the highest good of our intentions is not waylaid by circumstance. It takes away the ‘couldn’t’ and gives us our excellence.
To participate, send a heart donation of $15 or more dollars thru PayPal. Use friends and family, email: For those not in the circle, use the button at the top of this blog. Or you can send your donation through CashApp: $hangriLuz. Follow my yoga IG @ rhythmandbreathyoga to ask questions, share your insights and receive encouragement in our group discussion. 

I am looking forward to getting clear on some life matters and making informed decisions to co-create a better future. Meet you in the ethers! 

- mama luz 

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